Squamish Community Foundation

Tell us about your business and why you should receive this award!

The Squamish Community Foundation is deserving of the Squamish Chamber of Commerce Community Builder Award due to our long-term commitment (over 20 years!) to our District and the unique way in how we support all of our local non-profits, charities, social services, schools, students, Squamish Nation and recreation programming, and so many community causes and issues such as the environment, the arts and diversity, equity and inclusion. We have supported hundreds of different types of programming and administered $1.5 million dollars in funding to these organizations and causes over the years.

The Mission of the Foundation is to enhance the well-being of our community by inspiring giving for sustained impact. The Squamish Community Foundation has humbly carried on its activities of creating a sustainable source of funding for local community organizations by investing donations and sharing the income from the investments with the community. This support carries on in perpetuity, providing stable funding for the community as a whole, that only grows with time. We use business acumen to create granting opportunities for local organizations year after year.

The Values from our most recent 2024-2029 Strategic Plan guide our actions and shape our organizational culture and clearly show our commitment to community building. The Squamish Community Foundation is inspired to leave a legacy of community giving and empowerment for all. Our work will contribute directly to a sense of belonging, prosperity and connection for the people and natural ecosystems that make up our community. The Foundation is dedicated to the ethical and responsible stewardship of the funds that are entrusted to us. In the spirit of community partnership we foster genuine, long-lasting relationships built on integrity, mutual respect and a shared desire for positive change. We actively engage with our community to achieve equitable representation in all aspects of our work, and reduce barriers to funding for those who have been historically underrepresented or marginalized. The foundation staff and board of directors through effective leadership pursue opportunities for learning, knowledge sharing and advocacy on issues that matter most to our community.

The Squamish Community Foundation envisions a thriving, diverse and inclusive community empowered by a legacy of giving.

Receiving the Community Builder Award would help to increase the visibility of the incredible amount of financial support and leadership the Foundation has provided for numerous organizations in Squamish for 20 years. Donations are often inspired through increased visibility, which would increase our granting programs and further the support the hard-working organizations in Squamish. It would be a true honor for the Squamish Community Foundation and a much appreciated recognition of the dedication, commitment and support that so many local donors, volunteers, board members and staff have given to this steadfast community organization for so long.

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